repeated neighbours - 20 December

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repeated neighbours - 20 December

Messaggioda rakesh_rai » sab 21 dic 2024, 3:39

repeated neighbours - 2024-12-20

I am interested in knowing the solution for this grid. Was it a valid grid?
Messaggi: 178
Iscritto il: gio 30 lug 2009, 16:27
Località: Pune, India

Re: repeated neighbours - 20 December

Messaggioda lenzo » sab 21 dic 2024, 22:43

Something is wrong, some cells cannot be yellow, for example the central ones of the 3x3 boxes. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Lorenzo o, come dicevan tutti, Lenzo
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Iscritto il: mar 7 giu 2011, 9:02
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