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Punctuation in Sudokus

MessaggioInviato: mer 1 dic 2021, 23:46
da lowsuann12
Hi, I have been seeing punctuation in squares in a lot of sudokus from today, like Anti XV and City, and I cannot remove the punctuation and I can't write over them either. The square is just fixed like a number hint. I think this might be a bug?

Re: Punctuation in Sudokus

MessaggioInviato: gio 2 dic 2021, 8:36
da lenzo
Hi lowsuann, try to clean up the browser cache, please tell me if it works.

Re: Punctuation in Sudokus

MessaggioInviato: mer 8 dic 2021, 11:21
da lenzo
Hello lowsuann, I found, and fixed, a bug. Please let me know if you still have problems with these variants. :ciao