King of the hill

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King of the hill

Messaggioda lenzo » dom 21 giu 2020, 13:40

Da alcuni giorni Gotroch impazza nel sito, sta facendo razzia di "100" dimostrando di essere lui la vera "tigre" di argio.
Per me vedere i suoi risultati è stato un grosso stimolo per cercare se non di batterli almeno di avvicinarmi, lo faccio spesso, quando vedo in classifica dei campioni, veri o presunti, mi piace cercare di misurarmi con i loro tempi di soluzione.
Mi è venuto allora in mente un vecchio gioco, King of the Hill, che facevano in un sito di scacchi frequentato in passato, in cui il RE della collina veniva continuamente sfidato dagli altri giocatori e chi lo batteva diventava il nuovo RE.
Ne ho parlato con Gabriele ed abbiamo implementato la cosa creando una pagina dedicata:
in cui potete vedere chi è il KOTH attuale e i più stretti inseguitori e vedere quali schemi hanno giocato e con che esiti.
Se cliccate oggi 21/6 potrete vedere il menu di Gotroch che sembra un campo di girasoli...
Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate e datemi anche suggerimenti su come migliorare eventualmente la pagina. :ciao

For several days Gotroch has gone mad on the site, has been raiding "100" proving he is the real "tiger" of argio.
For me, seeing his results was a great stimulus to try, if not to beat them, at least to get closer, I often do it, when I see real or presumed champions in the ranking, I like to try to measure myself with their solution times.
I then reminded of an old game, King of the Hill, which they played at a chess site frequented in the past, where the king of the hill was continually challenged by the other players and whoever beat him became the new king.
I talked about it with Gabriele and we implemented it by creating a dedicated page:
where you can see who the current KOTH is and the closest pursuers and see what grids they played and relevant results.
If you click 21/6 today you will see Gotroch's menu which looks like a field of sunflowers ...
Let me know what you think and also give me suggestions on how to possibly improve the page
Lorenzo o, come dicevan tutti, Lenzo
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Iscritto il: mar 7 giu 2011, 9:02
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Re: King of the hill

Messaggioda Gotroch » dom 21 giu 2020, 17:10

thanks for the KOTH page, now I can count my daily "100s" bit more easily :-)
If I can have one suggestion, please add cumulative time spent on solved puzzles by player.

Few years ago, I got crazy idea to solve all puzzles on in one day. I think I managed to solve all puzzles in 13 hours. I usually do this challenge only 2-3 times per year, but this month I found more free time, so I am trying to do that marathon almost every possible moment :-)

So far I improved my time to 10:16 and my goal is to break 10 hour barrier. Surely it is possible, I almost did it today, but hard Multiple puzzle slowed me a lot - I almost gave up, but managed to solve it. But I like the randomness of generated puzzles, so any variant can surprise me.

It is nice to see someone is helping me with my marathon challenge by adding Clock Faces QuadMax to daily puzzles, thanks :-)
Last few days, I have trouble with Antiknight, Iso and Frame - sometimes these puzzles are not loading for me - I hope it will be good soon.

Thanks for this nice sudoku site, you did great job!
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Iscritto il: lun 1 giu 2009, 13:10

Re: King of the hill

Messaggioda gabriele » dom 21 giu 2020, 18:42

Thanks Jakub,
there was some problems in iso, antiknight and frame.
I made some correction, hope they are ok now
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Re: King of the hill

Messaggioda matteo88 » lun 6 lug 2020, 15:52

Chedo che oggi Gotrock sia abbastanza in forma... :77 :77 :77
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Iscritto il: sab 26 feb 2011, 10:41

Re: King of the hill

Messaggioda Gotroch » dom 19 lug 2020, 15:51

Today 9:55:31
Finally :D
Messaggi: 6
Iscritto il: lun 1 giu 2009, 13:10

Re: King of the hill

Messaggioda yuma67 » lun 20 lug 2020, 15:54

Gotroch ha scritto:Today 9:55:31
Finally :D

:clap :clap :clap :clap
hasta la victoria
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Re: King of the hill

Messaggioda emilio » lun 20 lug 2020, 17:31

vi rimando a varie/record/tigre insaziabile :77
il Sudoku è un gioco che va meditato. Correte piano
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